Section: Dissemination


F. Bouquet has been referee for the theses of LeVinh Nguyen, I3S (University of Nice and Sophia Antipolis) October 21, Youssef Ridene, (University Pau and Pays de l'Adour) September 23, and chair of the thesis committee of Sebti Mouelhi, LIFC (University of Franche-Comté) August 30, and examiner for the thesis of Céline Babouin, FEMTO-ST (University of Franche-Comté) January 27.

A. Giorgetti has been examiner for the thesis of Romeo Courbis, LIFC (University of Franche-Comté).

O. Kouchnarenko has been examiner for the thesis of Pierre-Christophe Bué, LIFC (University of Franche-Comté).

S. Kremer has been referee for the thesis of A. Baskar (CMI, India).

C. Ringeissen has been referee for the thesis of François Bobot (Paris-Sud).

M. Rusinowitch has been examiner for the thesis of Stéphane Martin (Marseille).

A. Imine has been examiner for the thesis of Mumtaz Ahmad (LORIA).